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  1. The Best Question to Ask If You Want to End the Interview on a Great Note

    February 7, 2017 by Bovee & Thill Network
    "We’ve all been there: It’s the end of the interview, and after nearly an hour of pouring your heart (and work experience) out to a potential employer, the hiring manager asks if you have any last questions before wrapping up...
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  2. A Smart Way to Follow Up to an Interview If You’re Still Waiting for Answers

    February 6, 2017 by Bovee & Thill Network
    Richard Moy (photo, left) handles the topic as both a job seeker and recruiter in his article at The Daily Muse...
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  3. 8 Small Signs That People Use to Judge Your Personality

    by Bovee & Thill Network
    "Our unconscious behaviors have a language of their own, and their words aren't always kind...
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  4. 10 Apps Everyone Should Have on Their Computer

    February 2, 2017 by Bovee & Thill Network
    "Whether you've invested in Apple's Mac line or a Windows PC, there are absolutely some worthwhile desktop apps out there to get more out of your computer," says Avery Hartmans (photo, left)...
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  5. Study Shows Most of Your Facebook Friends Aren’t Really Friends

    by Bovee & Thill Network
    "In the early '90s, anthropologist Robin Dunbar [photo, left] proposed that a human being has the capacity to have up to 150 meaningful relationships...
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  6. This Is How to Win with Passive-Aggressive People: 5 Proven Secrets

    by Bovee & Thill Network
    Eric Barker, of Barking Up the Wrong Tree, explains...
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  7. How to Communicate with Your Audience

    February 1, 2017 by Bovee & Thill Network
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  8. Why Other People Wreck Brainstorms (and How to Stop Them)

    by Bovee & Thill Network
    "The reason brainstorms devolve into groupthink has to do with the way memory works...
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