The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals
January 23, 2018 by Jan Shawkey"Why is it that some people seem to be hugely successful and do so much, while the vast majority of us struggle to tread water?..Category: Special: Articles, Work ProductivityComments Off on The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals
Writing for the 21st-Century Reader
by Jan Shawkey"Short, concise messages should no longer be limited to your social media platforms...Category: Special: Articles, Web Writing, Writing SkillsComments Off on Writing for the 21st-Century Reader
30 Smart Tips to Improve Workplace Communication
by Jan Shawkey"The quality of a business's internal communication often says a lot about the company itself...Category: Organizational Communication, Special: ArticlesComments Off on 30 Smart Tips to Improve Workplace Communication
12 Best Business Writing Books
by Jan Shawkey"These 12 books represent the best of the various elements that comprise good business writing...Category: Business Writing, Special: ArticlesComments Off on 12 Best Business Writing Books
6 TED Talks to Help You Negotiate
January 22, 2018 by Jan Shawkey"Need to land on a decision that works for everyone?..Category: Persuasive Messages, Special: Videos, Work ProductivityComments Off on 6 TED Talks to Help You Negotiate
Having This One Person on Your Team Improves Results Immediately, According to Sports Psychologists
by Jan ShawkeyCategory: Collaboration/Teams, Special: Articles, Work ProductivityComments Off on Having This One Person on Your Team Improves Results Immediately, According to Sports Psychologists
What Self-Awareness Really Is (and How to Cultivate It)
January 19, 2018 by Jan Shawkey"Four years ago, my team of researchers and I embarked on a large-scale scientific study of self-awareness...Category: Special: Articles, Work ProductivityComments Off on What Self-Awareness Really Is (and How to Cultivate It)
Great Leaders Are Great Listeners
by Jan Shawkey"If you were asked to describe the characteristics of a great leader, you’d probably include things like visionary or strategic thinking, the ability to inspire and motivate others, passion and drive to achieve...Category: Listening Skills, Special: ArticlesComments Off on Great Leaders Are Great Listeners
Are You Uncomfortable When Communicating Across Cultures?
by Jan Shawkey"Do you expect to feel comfortable using English as a second language when writing an email, making a phone call, expressing yourself during a meeting, writing a report, giving a presentation, and so on?..Category: Intercultural/Diversity, Special: ArticlesComments Off on Are You Uncomfortable When Communicating Across Cultures?
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and Brother Mark Give a Rare Interview about Growing Up and Secrets to Success
January 18, 2018 by Jan Shawkey"In this first-of-its-kind conversation, the Bezos brothers discuss their early influences, habits for success, and predictions for the future...Category: Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Special: VideosComments Off on Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and Brother Mark Give a Rare Interview about Growing Up and Secrets to Success