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"If you're wondering how much to ask for in a salary negotiation without leaving a bad taste in the employer's mouth or losing the job offer, you're not alone," says Jacquelyn Smith (photo, left) in a piece at BusinessInsider.
Brooke Nelson (photo, left) has the list at RD.
"Bad habits may not seem like a big deal on their own, but sometimes they can seriously drag you down in your life and career.
"You must give up so much in the pursuit of success.
"Can you guess which one it is?
LinkedIn has become an important credibility builder for professionals.
"While definitions have been known to shift based on the way a word is commonly used, some popular uses are just plain wrong.
"You've heard numerous financial terms by the time you are in your 30s.
"Although artificial intelligence has become commonplace — most smartphones contain some version of AI, such as speech recognition — the public still has a poor understanding of the technology.
Aytekin Tank (photo, left) is Founder of JotForm.
"It's not always easy being in charge," writes Áine Cain (photo, left) in a piece at BusinessInsider.
"It is so easy to fall into the habit of using negative expressions, or to say what you aren’t going to do.
"Do you ever find yourself mindlessly browsing social media, not knowing how exactly you ended up there?
"Poor punctuation: all rules and no play.
"The next time you want to interrupt yourself for a quick glance at your inbox, don't.
"In a job interview, every little thing matters — from your ability to make eye contact to the color of your suit.
"'We want to believe that we are thinking, rational people and on occasion tangle with emotion, flick it out of the way, and go back to thinking,” renowned vulnerability expert Brene Brown told a packed house at the Smith Center in downtown Las Vegas just before Labor Day Weekend.
"When you write business material, you do not just share your ideas and thoughts.
"According to Kim Morris Lee, director of organizational effectiveness at the University of Illinois, when the U.
"Did you know that you listen with cultural ears and see with cultural eyes?
"Everyone knows that particular feeling of dread that accompanies a lull in conversation at a party, networking event, or even a job interview.
"Here’s a New Year’s resolution for 2018: de-clutter your digital history.
"If you are presenting, odds are you are using your laptop either to walk the listeners through content in a small group, or projected on a screen to a larger group, or online when speaking with a virtual group.
"I am a big believer in the power of language to change the world.