Understand Your Customer If You Are to Succeed
October 10, 2017 by Jan ShawkeyAccording to Scott Meacham (photo, left), "I can't think of a single entrepreneur I've worked with who ever intended to fail...Category: Customer Communications, Customer Service, Special: ArticlesComments Off on Understand Your Customer If You Are to Succeed
The 10 Best Ways to Hire for Customer Service (and Almost Any Other Job)
August 1, 2016 by Jan Shawkey"It’s not just the application, interview and hiring that brings you the best people...Category: Customer Service, Special: ArticlesComments Off on The 10 Best Ways to Hire for Customer Service (and Almost Any Other Job)
10 Tips to Provide the Absolute Best Twitter Customer Service
April 11, 2016 by Bovee & Thill Network"Instead of privately contacting businesses, consumers are turning to Twitter to voice their issues publicly...Category: Customer Service, Microblogging, Special: ArticlesComments Off on 10 Tips to Provide the Absolute Best Twitter Customer Service
Consumers Are Fed Up with ‘Human-less’ Customer Service
April 7, 2016 by Bovee & Thill Network"It's no secret that bad customers service drives consumers nuts...Category: Customer Service, Special: ArticlesComments Off on Consumers Are Fed Up with ‘Human-less’ Customer Service
The Art of Finding Your Perfect Customer
February 17, 2016 by Jan Shawkey"Pinpointing your customers’ needs better may lead to better sales—but you’ve got to do some legwork first...Category: Customer Communications, Customer Service, Special: ArticlesComments Off on The Art of Finding Your Perfect Customer
The 17 Things Twitter Should Do to Transform Its Fortunes
February 15, 2016 by Jan ShawkeyChris Lake (photo, left) offers his advice at SearchEngineWatch...Category: Customer Service, Microblogging, Social Media, Special: ArticlesComments Off on The 17 Things Twitter Should Do to Transform Its Fortunes
Walmart Can’t Escape Clutter. Can You?
by Jan ShawkeyPaco Underhill (photo, left) reports on the topic of "more vs...Category: Customer Service, Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Special: Articles, The Art and Science of MarketingComments Off on Walmart Can’t Escape Clutter. Can You?
The 7 Musts of Customer Service on Social Media
by Jan Shawkey"Think it’s easy to leverage social media to provide customer service to customers?..Category: Customer Service, Social Media, Special: ArticlesComments Off on The 7 Musts of Customer Service on Social Media
The Rating Game: How Uber and Its Peers Turned Us into Horrible Bosses
November 25, 2015 by Jan ShawkeyJosh Dzieza reports on how "the rating game" has changed things...Category: Customer Service, Special: ArticlesComments Off on The Rating Game: How Uber and Its Peers Turned Us into Horrible Bosses
Why Companies Need Their Customers to ‘Love’ Them
November 20, 2015 by Jan Shawkey"Everyone today realizes the importance of digital technology and social media...Category: Customer Service, Public Relations, Special: ArticlesComments Off on Why Companies Need Their Customers to ‘Love’ Them