Are You Listening? Top 10 Things Employees Wish They Could Tell Their Boss
September 12, 2018 by Jan ShawkeyCategory: Employee Development and Support, Employee Motivation, Special: ArticlesComments Off on Are You Listening? Top 10 Things Employees Wish They Could Tell Their Boss
5 Tips to Ensure Your Remote Employees Are Productive
May 8, 2018 by Jan ShawkeyAccording to Ari Zoldan (photo, left), "In a lot of ways, remote workers have helped companies expand their reach and bring on employees who have excellent skill sets but geographic restrictions...Category: Employee Development and Support, Management-Workforce Relations, Special: ArticlesComments Off on 5 Tips to Ensure Your Remote Employees Are Productive
How to Get Consistent Work from an Employee
April 25, 2018 by Jan ShawkeyA reader to the Ask a Candid Boss column at TheMuse...Category: Employee Development and Support, Employee Motivation, Special: ArticlesComments Off on How to Get Consistent Work from an Employee
I’m Your Boss, Not Your Friend; 10 Reasons Why Your Boss Shouldn’t Be Your Friend
April 18, 2018 by Jan ShawkeyDan McCarthy gives his take on the topic at GreatLeadershipByDan...Category: Employee Development and Support, Organizational Communication, Special: ArticlesComments Off on I’m Your Boss, Not Your Friend; 10 Reasons Why Your Boss Shouldn’t Be Your Friend
Why I Invite All 900 of My Employees to Board Meetings
April 17, 2018 by Jan Shawkey"Open board meetings may seem extreme, but they are part of a strict code of transparency that I believe factors heavily into our innovation and rapid growth...Category: Employee Development and Support, Employee Motivation, Special: ArticlesComments Off on Why I Invite All 900 of My Employees to Board Meetings
Amazon Has Replaced Google as the Best Place to Work in the US
March 27, 2018 by Jan Shawkey"Amazon has knocked Google off the top spot as the best place to work in the world, according to LinkedIn...Category: Employee Development and Support, Special: ArticlesComments Off on Amazon Has Replaced Google as the Best Place to Work in the US
Unleash Millennials with Learning
March 22, 2018 by Jan ShawkeyAccording to Julia Stiglitz (photo, left), "Members of this age group, who typically change jobs at least four times in their first decade out of college, need and want work-based training and development...Category: Employee Development and Support, Special: ArticlesComments Off on Unleash Millennials with Learning
Thinking Bigger, Farther and Faster in 2018
March 21, 2018 by Jan Shawkey"The workforce is changing and learning leaders are on the front line...Category: Employee Development and Support, Employee Motivation, Special: ArticlesComments Off on Thinking Bigger, Farther and Faster in 2018
Ahead of the Curve: The Future of Performance Management
March 15, 2018 by Jan Shawkey"What happens after companies jettison traditional year-end evaluations?..Category: Employee Development and Support, Employee Motivation, Special: ArticlesComments Off on Ahead of the Curve: The Future of Performance Management
The Secret Life of American Workers
March 1, 2018 by Jan Shawkey"Hear what Americans have to say about their jobs...Category: Employee Development and Support, Special: WebComments Off on The Secret Life of American Workers