Top 8 Most Anticipated Artificial Intelligence Trends for 2021
January 11, 2021 by Court BoveeHere are the points that have made artificial intelligence gain a lot of popularity: Understanding and forecasting epidemics and pandemics and finding a cure Understanding shifting consumer needs Making virtual experiences more real Going fully digital Making way for robots to empower the human workforce Cybersecurity Smarter digital devices ..Category: Information Technology, Intelligent Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, Office TechnologyComments (68)
10 TED Talks on AI and Machine Learning
April 24, 2019 by Jan ShawkeyCategory: Intelligent Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, Special: VideosComments (0)
What Is a Chatbot? The Full Guide to Chatbots in 2019
April 5, 2019 by Bovee & Thill Network"There’s a lot to unpack regarding chatbots...Category: Intelligent Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, Special: ArticlesComments (0)
Teach Your Business Communication Students about Intelligent Communication Technologies
March 27, 2019 by Bovee & Thill NetworkCategory: Intelligent Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, Special: VideosComments (0)
Only One Business Communication Textbook Covers Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Technologies
March 14, 2019 by Bovee & Thill NetworkFor more information, visit http://leadingtexts...Category: Intelligent Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, Special: VideosComments (0)
ThisPersonDoesNotExist.com Uses AI to Generate Endless Fake Faces
February 20, 2019 by Jan Shawkey“Hit refresh to lock eyes with another imaginary stranger...Category: Intelligent Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, Special: Articles, Special: WebComments (0)
ThisPersonDoesNotExist.com Uses AI to Generate Endless Fake Faces
by Bovee & Thill Network“Hit refresh to lock eyes with another imaginary stranger...Category: Intelligent Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, Special: Articles, Special: WebComments (0)
Artificial Intelligence – the Next Frontier in Content Marketing
February 7, 2019 by Jan Shawkey"Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are being used in all aspects of business and marketing...Category: Intelligent Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, Special: ArticlesComments Off on Artificial Intelligence – the Next Frontier in Content Marketing
Artificial Intelligence and Data Visualization
January 23, 2019 by Jan Shawkey"How are artificial intelligence and data visualization connected?..Category: Intelligent Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, Special: Articles, Visual CommunicationComments Off on Artificial Intelligence and Data Visualization
15 Must-Read Books for Entrepreneurs in Data Science
January 16, 2019 by Jan Shawkey"Before, entrepreneurs would usually pay more attention to their gut rather than trust data...Category: Information Technology, Intelligent Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Special: ArticlesComments Off on 15 Must-Read Books for Entrepreneurs in Data Science