How Teachers Can Stop Being Scared of Twitter
February 18, 2014 by Bovee & Thill NetworkDenise Scavitto covers her topic at Edudemic...Category: Microblogging, Special: ArticlesComments (0)
Don’t Make These Mistakes on LinkedIn
January 8, 2014 by Bovee & Thill Network"Kim Brown is an assistant director for Syracuse University's Career Services department...Category: Career Planning, Microblogging, Special: ArticlesComments (0)
Tweet This, Deny That: Social Media and the End of Denial
January 31, 2012 by Bovee & Thill NetworkDigital shaming has become the newest form of public stocks, ensuring the wrongdoings of individuals are widely known and impossible to erase...Category: Microblogging, Special: ArticlesComments (0)
Tweet Your Way to a New Job
January 25, 2012 by Bovee & Thill NetworkAfter getting fired in October from the high-tech startup where he had worked for more than four years Joshua Filgate, a 27-year-old engineer in Southborough, Mass...Category: Microblogging, Special: ArticlesComments (0)
These LinkedIn Mistakes Will Kill Your Credibility
January 12, 2012 by Bovee & Thill NetworkGeoffrey James (photo, left) offers some advice to avoid "LinkedIn mistakes that will kill your credibility...Category: Microblogging, Special: ArticlesComments Off on These LinkedIn Mistakes Will Kill Your Credibility
Leveraging Twitter Effectively
by Bovee & Thill NetworkCategory: Microblogging, Special: ArticlesComments (0)
How to Craft the Perfect Twitter Bio
by Bovee & Thill Network"What if I told you the most important 140 characters you write on Twitter aren’t your actual tweets, but your Twitter bio?..Category: Microblogging, Special: ArticlesComments (0)
Evan Williams, Twitter Co-Founder, on Listening to Twitter Users
June 21, 2011 by Bovee & Thill NetworkIn the year leading up to this talk, the web tool Twitter exploded in size (up 10x during 2008 alone)...Category: Microblogging, Special: VideosComments (0)
Social Media Etiquette
by Bovee & Thill NetworkIn this quick video, I rant about social media etiquette...Category: Microblogging, Special: VideosComments (0)
Twitter Tutorial: Finding Followers
by Bovee & Thill NetworkThis easy Twitter tutorial explains several ways to find people to follow on Twitter...Category: Microblogging, Special: VideosComments (0)