Are You Using These 11 Insights into ‘Wondtacular’ Headlines That Most Online Marketers Don’t Know?
March 7, 2014 by Bovee & Thill NetworkPaul Maccabee (photo, left) is the President of Maccabee Public Relations...Category: Persuasive Messages, Public Relations, Special: ArticlesComments (0)
42 Simple Habits to Make Yourself Better
February 20, 2014 by Bovee & Thill NetworkCategory: Persuasive Messages, Special: Articles, Work ProductivityComments (0)
How to Write a Professional Bio for Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook & Google+
February 19, 2014 by Bovee & Thill NetworkCategory: Employment, Persuasive Messages, Special: ArticlesComments (0)
9 Simple Things Great Speakers Always Do
February 18, 2014 by Bovee & Thill NetworkJeff Haden writes, "Some people like to learn from mistakes...Category: Oral Communication, Persuasive Messages, Special: ArticlesComments (0)
Dealing with Negative Comments in Social Media
January 30, 2014 by Bovee & Thill Network"You’ve succeeded in getting a social media strategy in place, you’re sharing amazing, relevant content – and then WHAM! Someone posts a negative comment, and you feel like all of the wind has been let out of your sails...Category: Persuasive Messages, Social Media, Special: ArticlesComments (0)
Performance Anxiety Study Suggests Getting Excited Helps More Than Trying to Calm Down
January 8, 2014 by Bovee & Thill NetworkCategory: Communication, Persuasive Messages, Special: Articles, Special: VideosComments (0)
The Scientifically-Proven Method for Getting People to Say “Yes”
January 12, 2012 by Bovee & Thill NetworkIn both the business environment and in personal life it is essential to know how to get what you want — and get people to say yes to your requests...Category: Persuasive Messages, Special: ArticlesComments (0)
When You Negotiate, Don’t Argue
by Bovee & Thill NetworkWhat role should persuasive arguing play, if any, in negotiations?..Category: Persuasive Messages, Special: ArticlesComments (0)
Why Concrete Language Communicates Truth
by Bovee & Thill NetworkI've just deleted a rather abstract introduction I wrote to this article about truth...Category: Persuasive Messages, Special: ArticlesComments (0)
Public Speaking – I Like Humor. Where Can I Find It?
by Bovee & Thill NetworkInterested in including some humor in your next public speech...Category: Persuasive Messages, Special: ArticlesComments (0)