Chapter 3. Seven common hand gestures that will stir up trouble in other cultures
May 13, 2020 by George DovelThe original article is no longer available, but this article highlights five gestures that can cause miscommunication...Category: Special: Articles, Special: BCT14- Students - Learn MoreComments Off on Chapter 3. Seven common hand gestures that will stir up trouble in other cultures
11 Trends You Should Know about That Will Shape Marketing In 2020
February 20, 2020 by Court BoveeBuilding brand awareness and successfully interacting with consumers is a crucial part of doing business today...Category: Special: Articles, The Art and Science of MarketingComments (0)
25 Entrepreneurs Share the Worst Advice They Ever Received
January 5, 2020 by Court Bovee"If you decide to make the leap and launch a business, the people in your life — from family and friends to investors — will all have opinions that they will gladly share with you, sometimes whether you ask them to or not...Category: entrepreneurship-and-small-business-ownership, Special: ArticlesComments (0)
15 Cities Where Earning $100,000 a Year Isn’t Nearly Enough to Live Well
December 30, 2019 by Court Bovee"In most of America, earning $100,000 a year could be considered a sign of success...Category: Special: Articles, Understanding Basic EconomicsComments (0)
U.S. Companies Are Forcing Workers to Train Their Own Foreign Replacements
by Court Bovee"Opponents of job outsourcing are making a holiday-season appeal to President Trump: Stop U...Category: labor-relations, Special: ArticlesComments (0)
We Asked 3,000 Fast-Food Fans What Chains They Refuse to Eat At. Here Are the 15 Most-Hated Brands in the Industry
December 29, 2019 by Court BoveeCategory: Special: Articles, The Art and Science of MarketingComments (0)
Financial Statistics That’ll Shock You
by Court BoveeHow does our spending compare to average Americans?..Category: Financial Information and Accounting Concepts, Special: ArticlesComments (0)
Appendix C. Protect your online privacy
December 27, 2019 by George DovelConsumer Reports suggests 66 ways to protect yourself...Category: Special: Articles, Special: BIA9 - Students - Learn MoreComments Off on Appendix C. Protect your online privacy
Appendix A. Dozens of free articles on business law
by George DovelGet legal tips on every aspect of starting and running a business...Category: Special: Articles, Special: BIA9 - Students - Learn MoreComments Off on Appendix A. Dozens of free articles on business law
Chapter 16. Explore careers in finance
December 26, 2019 by George DovelThis introduction will help you sort out the various career paths in finance...Category: Special: Articles, Special: BIA9 - Students - Learn MoreComments Off on Chapter 16. Explore careers in finance