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  1. 5 Trends Redefining Finance

    December 9, 2019 by Court Bovee
    The digital transformation movement is underway and affecting all types of industries...
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  2. Chapter 16. Details that can make or break a job interview

    December 3, 2019 by George Dovel
    You can’t control every variable, but it helps to be aware of the factors that can influence who gets hired and who doesn’t...
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  3. Chapter 16. Know your privacy rights

    by George Dovel
    Find out what employers can and cannot ask about you during the recruiting process...
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  4. Chapter 15. Points to ponder if you are considering an infographic résumé

    by George Dovel
    Infographic résumés can seem like an inviting option, but consider these points carefully...
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  5. Chapter 14. Design tips from presentation pro Garr Reynolds

    by George Dovel
    Garr Reynolds brings Zen design instincts to his advice for visual design...
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  6. Chapter 11. Do you have the qualities it takes to persuade?

    December 2, 2019 by George Dovel
    This simple test will tell you if you have the qualities that persuasive communicators share—and how to develop your own persuasive qualities...
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  7. Chapter 9. Simple rules for writing effective thank-you notes

    by George Dovel
    These tips are easy to adapt to any business or social occasions in which you need to express appreciation...
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  8. Chapter 10. Misguided crisis management is a lesson for every professional

    by George Dovel
    Learn from the mistakes made in these recent corporate crises...
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  9. The Top 5 Technology Trends for Businesses

    December 1, 2019 by Court Bovee
    The evolution of game-changing technologies is leveling the playing field in many industries...
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  10. Chapter 12. Looking for opportunities in customer dissatisfaction

    November 20, 2019 by George Dovel
    Find out why a big competitor’s unhappy customers can be a small company’s best sales prospects...
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