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  1. Chapter 9. A simple introduction to the Toyota Production System

    November 19, 2019 by George Dovel
    The Toyota Production System has been one of the most influential developments in the history of business...
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  2. Chapter 8. Too much of a good thing?

    November 18, 2019 by George Dovel
    The potential benefits of team-based collaboration are undeniable, but some experts worry that companies are going overboard and overloading the employees they need the most...
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  3. Chapter 8. Overcome the limitations of virtual teamwork

    by George Dovel
    These 21 tips can help any virtual team overcome the inherent limitations of long-distance collaboration...
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  4. Chapter 8. Rethinking organization when speed is the top priority

    by George Dovel
    Organizational strategies designed to optimize control and predictability are losing their value to companies in fast-moving markets...
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  5. Chapter 7. Decision-making advice for leaders and aspiring leaders

    by George Dovel
    The Harvard Business Review offers an extensive library of articles on all aspects of decision-making...
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  6. Chapter 7. Getting past the “hockey stick”

    by George Dovel
    Forecasting too often succumbs to irrational optimism in which projected sales magically bend upward like a hockey stick...
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  7. Chapter 7. Company health is every bit as important as personal health

    by George Dovel
    See the strong correlation between a company’s “health” (basically, how well it does all the things you’re learning in this course) and its long-term performance...
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  8. Chapter 5.What effect does short-termism have on corporate performance?

    November 17, 2019 by George Dovel
    Most executives say the pressure to generate short-term financial results is increasing...
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  9. Amazon Warehouse Employees Speak Out about the “Brutal” Reality of Working During the Holidays, When 60 Hour Weeks Are Mandatory and Ambulance Calls Are Common

    November 11, 2019 by Court Bovee
    "The holiday season is a hectic and crucial time for all retailers, not to mention a chaotic, trying time for retail workers who have to deal with Black Friday stampedes or ramped-up online orders in the run-up to Christmas...
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  10. The Top 5 Technology Trends for Business You Should Be Teaching Your Students About

    by Court Bovee
    "2019 will see an increase in technology-driven organizations, as more businesses embark on the digital transformation journey...
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