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  1. Chapter 14. Get started with Prezi

    December 3, 2019 by George Dovel
    Watch this tutorial to see how to create effective Prezi presentations...
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  2. Chapter 13. Free tools for creating infographics

    by George Dovel
    These easy-to-use web tools let you create high-quality infographics...
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  3. Chapter 13. A visual vocabulary of data presentation options

    by George Dovel
    Find the best ways to illustrate a variety of data sets and situations...
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  4. Chapter 13. Sign up for the McKinsey Five Fifty

    by George Dovel
    Get a mobile-friendly overview of a major business management topic every week with links to in-depth articles, blog posts, and podcasts...
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  5. Chapter 12. Try the Lean Canvas approach

    by George Dovel
    This free tool is one of the adaptations of the Business Model Canvas...
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  6. Chapter 12. Get to the heart of your business model

    by George Dovel
    See how the Business Model Canvas helps entrepreneurs define their business models before moving ahead with more-formal planning...
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  7. Chapter 11. Do you have the qualities it takes to persuade?

    December 2, 2019 by George Dovel
    This simple test will tell you if you have the qualities that persuasive communicators share—and how to develop your own persuasive qualities...
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  8. Chapter 11. Stay on the right side of federal marketing regulations

    by George Dovel
    The FTC’s Business Center has helpful guidance on applying federal marketing regulations in a wide variety of specific situations...
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  9. Chapter 11. Are you persuading or are you negotiating?

    by George Dovel
    Professor Bob Bontempo explains how persuading and negotiating are complementary but distinctly different skill sets...
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  10. Chapter 9. Simple rules for writing effective thank-you notes

    by George Dovel
    These tips are easy to adapt to any business or social occasions in which you need to express appreciation...
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