Chapter 9. Stay on the right side of federal marketing regulations
September 26, 2018 by George DovelThe FTC’s Business Center has helpful guidance on applying federal marketing regulations in a wide variety of specific situations...Category: Special: BCE8 - Students - Learn More, Special: WebComments Off on Chapter 9. Stay on the right side of federal marketing regulations
Chapter 9. Are you persuading or are you negotiating?
by George DovelProfessor Bob Bontempo explains how persuading and negotiating are complementary but distinctly different skill sets...Category: Special: BCE8 - Students - Learn More, Special: VideosComments Off on Chapter 9. Are you persuading or are you negotiating?
Chapter 8. These templates make it easier to turn down recommendation requests
by George DovelThe career expert Alison Doyle offers advice and message templates to help you handle these uncomfortable messages...Category: Special: Articles, Special: BCE8 - Students - Learn MoreComments Off on Chapter 8. These templates make it easier to turn down recommendation requests
5 Leadership Strategies That Cultivate Cognitive Diversity
by Jan Shawkey"Diversity is among the most critical issues and opportunities we face today...Category: Employee Development and Support, Management Roles, Functions, and Skills, Special: ArticlesComments Off on 5 Leadership Strategies That Cultivate Cognitive Diversity
The Shopping Malls and Big Box Stores Gutted by E-Commerce
by Jan Shawkey"Jesse Rieser's memories of growing up in Springfield, Missouri in the 1990s unfold against a familiar retail backdrop: storming the aisles of Toys R Us with his brother; meeting friends at the mall to flirt with girls and play videogames; hunting new bands in the CD racks of Best Buy," writes Laura Mellonee in a piece at Wired...Category: Product and Pricing Strategies, Special: Articles, Special: Interactive Media, The Global MarketplaceComments Off on The Shopping Malls and Big Box Stores Gutted by E-Commerce
How to Solve Complex Problems (by Not Focusing on Them)
by Jan Shawkey"The Zeigarnik effect can do something stunning when we scatter our attention and let our mind wander...Category: Special: Articles, Work ProductivityComments Off on How to Solve Complex Problems (by Not Focusing on Them)
Why We Choke Under Pressure — and How to Avoid It
by Jan Shawkey"When the pressure is on, why do we sometimes fail to live up to our potential?..Category: Oral Communication, Special: Videos, Work ProductivityComments Off on Why We Choke Under Pressure — and How to Avoid It
7 Tips for Disagreeing Without Being Disagreeable
September 25, 2018 by Jan Shawkey"No matter how much we try to work with others and get along, the time comes when we can’t agree...Category: Interpersonal Communication, Oral Communication, Special: ArticlesComments Off on 7 Tips for Disagreeing Without Being Disagreeable
Do You Come Across as Arrogant? 5 Workplace Behaviors to Curb
September 24, 2018 by Jan Shawkey"Many of us have had to battle the specter of arrogance at one time or another...Category: Interpersonal Communication, Oral Communication, Special: ArticlesComments Off on Do You Come Across as Arrogant? 5 Workplace Behaviors to Curb
4 Ways Busy People Sabotage Themselves
by Jan ShawkeyAlice Boyes lays out the problem and the solution in an article at The Harvard Business Review blog...Category: Special: Articles, Work ProductivityComments Off on 4 Ways Busy People Sabotage Themselves