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"Sure, there’s plenty to love about working for a tech giant like Google.
"Most importantly, leaders should be asking these questions before their best people mentally and emotionally check out.
"[Recently,] Savvy Psychologist Dr.
"We asked [Daniel Post] Senning [photo, left] and Barbara Pachter, author of The Essentials of Business Etiquette, to tell us about some antiquated gendered courtesies and other etiquette rules that you don't need to follow anymore — and what you should do instead.
"There are more reasons than ever to understand how to protect your personal information.
"If nothing else, avoid the urge to respond in anger or haste.
"Mark Bouton [photo, left], an FBI agent for 30 years and author of "How to Spot Lies Like the FBI," tells Business Insider that he used certain tells to help identify Timothy McVeigh as a suspect in the Oklahoma City bombing.
"Looking forward to your college graduation is inevitable.
"Trouble luring in new business?
"When I was designing ChattyPeople, my chatbot building platform, I realized this: No product survives meeting the customer.
"The hot new concept in data visualization is "data storytelling"; some are calling it the next evolution of visualization (I'm one of them).
"I think we’d all agree that there’s nothing bad about getting promoted or landing a better position at your company," writes Adrian Granzella Larssen (photo, left) at TheMuse.
Kat Boogaard can empathize.
Liz Ryan navigates the terrain in a video presentation and article at Forbes.
"The goal of this special report – the first of four that will be published by Knowledge@Wharton and AKO Foundation – is to explore how firms can enhance their understanding and implementation of corporate governance.
"Yet hard as it is for such organizations to innovate, large ones as diverse as Alcoa, the Discovery Group, and NASA’s Ames Research Center are actually doing so.
Is Jon Evans' belief that "the startup gold rush of the last ten years is over," still accurate?
"It’s time for leaders of organizations to stop debating the millennial problem, hoping that this supposedly exotic flock of sheep will get with the program.
"What is the secret to the unparalleled success that keeps Amazon growing while so many traditional retailers are shutting their doors?
"Many commentators suggest that gender diversity in the corporate boardroom improves company performance because of the different points of view and experience it offers.
"Studies of leaders often focus on their style or charisma, but we wanted to look at how workers are affected by their boss’s technical competence.
"Even when it's phrased as delicately as possible, accepting constructive criticism can be brutal.
"While it's not easy for a procrastinator to change -- just getting started is often a challenge -- it is possible.
"Unfortunately, in some cases, establishing business credit isn't easy.
"Few things are as costly and as disruptive as good people walking out the door.