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  1. Chapter 10. A great example of a thoughtful, responsible apology

    October 27, 2019 by George Dovel
    When its Twitter chatbot Tay got hijacked and had to be taken down, Microsoft issued an apology that got every note right...
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  2. Chapter 9. Using Twitter for routine customer communication

    by George Dovel
    These 10 tips can help any company respond to the growing number of routine requests delivered on Twitter...
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  3. Chapter 7. Proven tips for prooofreading

    by George Dovel
    This advice for class assignments will help you on the job, too...
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  4. Artificial Intelligence: What It Is and Why It Matters in Introduction to Business

    October 21, 2019 by Court Bovee
    Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks...
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  5. 11 Trends You Should Know about That Will Shape Marketing In 2019

    by Court Bovee
    Building brand awareness and successfully interacting with consumers is a crucial part of doing business today...
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  6. The 8 Fast-Food Chains with the Cleanest Restaurants in America, According to Customers

    October 15, 2019 by Court Bovee
    No one wants to visit a fast-food chain with a grubby dining room and unknown germs lurking in the kitchen...
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  7. Teach Your Students the 7 Most Common Money Mistakes People Make and Regret

    October 14, 2019 by Court Bovee
    Made some money mistakes you’re not exactly proud of?..
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  8. 7 Examples of the Worst Financial Advice We’ve Heard

    October 10, 2019 by Court Bovee
    When it comes to money, there’s a ton of terrible advice out there...
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  9. 7 Sneaky Ways Students Could Be Hurting Their Credit Without Realizing It

    September 27, 2019 by Court Bovee
    Americans rely on credit and credit scores to give lenders an idea of their trustworthiness when they want to open a credit card, get a mortgage, or take out a loan...
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  10. Chapter 6. Ten tips for conversational writing

    September 22, 2019 by George Dovel
    These easy-to-use ideas will help you achieve a business-friendly conversational tone...
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