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  1. Chapter 5. Proven tips for prooofreading

    September 11, 2018 by George Dovel
    This advice for class assignments will help you on the job, too...
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  2. Chapter 4. Get started—or go advanced—with Microsoft Word

    August 20, 2018 by George Dovel
    Whether you’re starting your first document or using Word’s advanced capabilities, this site can help...
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  3. Chapter 4. Quick and easy tips on grammar, punctuation, and usage

    February 4, 2018 by George Dovel
    Mignon Fogarty, also known as Grammar Girl, offers a wide selection of easy-to-use advice on getting things right...
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  4. Chapter 4. Boost your professional credibility with these LinkedIn tips

    by George Dovel
    LinkedIn has become an important credibility builder for professionals...
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  5. Chapter 3. How to guide a group brainstorming session

    by George Dovel
    Follow these simple tips to get the most from your next brainstorming session...
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  6. Chapter 3. Get started with Google docs

    by George Dovel
    These articles will take you through the process of creating and using documents...
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  7. Chapter 3. Loosen up your writing with these free-writing tips

    by George Dovel
    Free writing can be a great way to come up with material for a writing project and to get more comfortable with the process of writing...
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  8. Chapter 2. Dining etiquette simplified

    by George Dovel
    Etiquette expert Barbara Pachter offers tips to help you get comfortable at business lunches and dinners...
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  9. Chapter 1. Ethical guidelines for word-of-mouth marketing

    by George Dovel
    This resource is no longer available, but here is a helpful website on the related topic of influence marketing...
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  10. Chapter 11. Build your company with effective responses to RFPs

    January 11, 2017 by George Dovel
    In many industries, responding to RFPs is a vital business skill for expanding a company...
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