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  1. Chapter 9. Using stories to persuade

    December 29, 2014 by George Dovel
    Learn why stories are usually more effective than plain data when it comes to changing minds...
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  2. Chapter 9. Best practices in mobile marketing

    by George Dovel
    Get everything you need to know from the Mobile Marketing Association...
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  3. Chapter 2. The benefits of mobile collaboration

    by George Dovel
    According to Jeff Mann (photo, left), a Gartner research director, "The rapid adoption of smart devices, both in the workplace and outside, has raised expectations about accessibility and user experience in the workforce...
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  4. Chapter 1. Check out the cutting edge of business communication

    January 29, 2014 by George Dovel
    Bovée and Thill's Pinterest board highlights some of the most interesting and important developments in business communication, along with some great advice on developing your communications skills...
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