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  1. Chapter 16. Explore careers in finance

    December 26, 2019 by George Dovel
    This introduction will help you sort out the various career paths in finance...
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  2. Chapter 16. A simple approach to analyzing cash flow

    by George Dovel
    Understanding cash flow is an essential business skill, and this approach makes it easy...
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  3. Chapter 16. Expanding access to new-venture financing

    by George Dovel
    This resource is no longer available...
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  4. Chapter 15. Introduction to the accounting equation

    December 21, 2019 by George Dovel
    Get a better feel for the accounting equation with these practical examples...
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  5. Chapter 15. Five tips for reading a balance sheet

    by George Dovel
    This brief presentation explains the key points to look for in a balance sheet...
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  6. Chapter 15. A simple overview of blockchain

    by George Dovel
    See how blockchain helps companies overcome the limitations of traditional ledgers...
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  7. Chapter 15. Considering a career in accounting?

    by George Dovel
    This comprehensive directory can help you explore the profession and find potential employers...
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  8. Chapter 15. How customer retention affects company valuation

    by George Dovel
    New research highlights how important customer retention can be in determining the valuation of a corporation...
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  9. Chapter 15. The complicated reality of a simple fraction

    by George Dovel
    The video referred to the text is no longer available, but this video highlights the complexity of EPS analysis by discussing the five different types of EPS calculations...
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  10. Chapter 14. Love the retail experience?

    December 20, 2019 by George Dovel
    Why not make a career of it?..
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