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  1. Chapter 4. Get helpful tips on creating an outline for any project

    April 14, 2021 by George Dovel
    The original resource is no longer available, but this advice from Purdue's Online Writing Lab offers helpful advice for outlining...
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  2. Chapter 16. Details that can make or break a job interview

    December 3, 2019 by George Dovel
    You can’t control every variable, but it helps to be aware of the factors that can influence who gets hired and who doesn’t...
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  3. Chapter 16. Know your privacy rights

    by George Dovel
    Find out what employers can and cannot ask about you during the recruiting process...
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  4. Chapter 16. Five TED talks that will help you prepare for interviews

    by George Dovel
    MIT career advisor Lily Zhang handpicked these talks for the insights they can give all job hunters...
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  5. Chapter 15. Design inspiration and easy-to-use templates

    by George Dovel
    Canva is one of many online services that let you create a nicely designed résumé...
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  6. Chapter 15. Points to ponder if you are considering an infographic résumé

    by George Dovel
    Infographic résumés can seem like an inviting option, but consider these points carefully...
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  7. Chapter 15. Converting your résumé to a CV

    by George Dovel
    Find everything you need to know to convert your U...
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  8. Chapter 15. Advice for every phase of the job-search process

    by George Dovel
    From an introduction to job-search strategies to details on résumé writing, this site offers advice from career counseling professionals...
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  9. Chapter 14. Body wisdom from communication coach Gina Barnett

    by George Dovel
    In this talk at Google, Gina Barnett shares some essentials of using your body as an effective speaking instrument...
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  10. Chapter 14. Design tips from presentation pro Garr Reynolds

    by George Dovel
    Garr Reynolds brings Zen design instincts to his advice for visual design...
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