Business in Action, 7th Ed.
Appendix B: Risk Management
"Fundamentally, poor business writing is costly and leads to disastrous events.
"How do you walk into a room, out of a meeting, or onto a stage?
Hagan Blount introduces the topic and presents the infographic at TheMuse.
"Professionals of any level and in any industry can benefit from having their own site, and if you set it up right and maintain it, you can get it to the top of the search results page," writes Richard Feloni in a piece featured at BusinessInsider.
According to Julien Rio, "Managing a brand page on Facebook isn't an easy task.
"As I’ve learned, four years into the game [of self-employment], it doesn’t matter if you’ve got one boss in the corner office or 1,000 online customers—occasionally, a project you really don’t want to deal with is going to plop into your inbox.
Catherine Rampell (photo, left) is an economics reporter at The New York Times.
"As much buzz as the Facebook/Whatsapp deal generated it only served to crystallize our attention around what is a much larger, more prescient issue - we now live in the Age of Mobile.
According to Kent Anderson, "I’m a fan of PowerPoint.
"Things have changed a lot in the way we conduct business communications, especially between the customer and the company.
"In a recent LinkedIn post, Bernard Marr (photo,left), a global enterprise performance expert and a best-selling business author, says he’s always astonished to hear that candidates have been asked such inappropriate questions," writes Jacquelyn Smith in a post at BusinessInsider.
According to Jackie Gerstein, Ed.
"Understandably, for many students, email is a venue of freedom and distance from academic considerations.
David Armano offers a SlideShare presentation on the title.
Claire Fallon (photo, left) covers the topic in a piece at HuffingtonPost.
"Whether we are writing for business or pleasure, we may encounter “writer’s block” — the phrase that indicates we just can’t get started or we just can’t keep going.
"Due to Khan Academy’s popularity, the idea of the flipped classroom has gained press and credibility within education circles.
Steven Gaffney (photo, left) talks about honest communication in this CommPro.
"As a performance coach I’ve been privileged to work with a varied selection of fascinating people.
"There is an old adage: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
"The big upside of Instagram for companies is the ability to easily develop a communication strategy about their products and services that is by essence more direct and engaging than that of their website, which tends to be more institutional and corporate," writes François Mathieu at Pikock.
"Have you ever had to talk out a decision in a big meeting?
"I was walking around Seattle's Sea-Tac International Airport yesterday, waiting for my flight to Maui, when I admired a T-shirt with a clever slogan: Washington Rain Festival, Jan.