Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
"While you may end up being asked the standard "what is your weakness" question at a job interview, a sneaky employer may try to slip in some questions that are illegal to ask, in order to gain some possibly sensitive information," writes Justin Gmoser (photo, left) in presenting this video on the topic.
According to Deborah Jacobs (photo, left), "If your list of career resolutions for 2014 doesn’t include, “Improve public speaking skills,” maybe it should.
"If you don't have a digital presence today, you don't exist," writes Tom Cochran (photo, left), Chief Technology Officer with Atlantic Media.
Andrea Wenger (photo, left) is the membership manager with the Carolina chapter of the Society for Technical Communication (STC).
"Writing with numbers and figures is an overlooked skill despite the fact that we often include them in our communications.
According to Jeff Haden (photo, left), "If you get decent value from making to-do lists, you'll get huge returns — in productivity, in improved relationships, and in your personal well-being — from adding these items to your not to-do list: .
Successful small business owners share the most important lesson they wish they'd known when they started.
"We reached out to the Global Language Monitor, which publishes an annual list of the year's top English words, to compile a ranking of the most popular business terms.
AuthorStream presents a slide show on the topic of PowerPoint and its usage.
Julie Bort (photo, left) covers the seamier side of reputation management.
"I came across a table about the most frequently used words in spoken and written genres in James Pennebaker's book on "The Secret Life of Pronouns", so I did a quick analysis on my cca.
Scott Schwertly (photo, left) explains "how you can play the social card during your next presentation: .
According to Michelle Kerrigan (photo, left), "I’ve been in the business world for a long time and have distilled success down to 4 main keys.
"Here are the top six workplace fears and how to move past them.
Anthony Dejolde shares an infographic on the topic of "googling like a boss.
"What do budding businesses need to make sure they’re speaking loud and clear?
According to Jeff Mann (photo, left), a Gartner research director, "The rapid adoption of smart devices, both in the workplace and outside, has raised expectations about accessibility and user experience in the workforce.
"Like many designers," writes NYTimes staff writer Quentin Hardy, "Eric Rodenbeck (photo, left) has had a long relationship with bar graphs and pie charts.
"One example of how extensively mobile devices have changed long-held conventions of communications is that presenters who once were disturbed by audience members texting on their phones now are worried if they don’t," says Steve Friedman of Present Perfect.
Vivian Giang covers the topic of what you should do when you are sick and faced with the need to shake someone's hand.
"The new year is often a good time to reflect on the good and bad things that have happened in the past year," says Vivian Giang with BusinessInsider.
"These communicative tools can be used either internally within a company’s members, or externally between a company and other parties such as suppliers and customers.