Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 11. Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals
Your next job application could require a social media background check.
Fear is one of our most basic and essential survival mechanisms, but sometimes it can overwhelm us even when a real threat doesn't exist.
What do you do when you fall off the horse?
What should a young job applicant do when well meaning parents are giving advice that worked for them in their job searches?
Katya Wachtel (photo left), writer for BusinessInsider.
"We are made to persist.
I am excited to announce Error Quests, a new product we just released.
What role should persuasive arguing play, if any, in negotiations?
The benefits of a great blog are well-known: branding, user acquisition, press, conversions, hype.
If you are going to do presentations, you will at some point face a problem with the equipment, room, technology, sound system, audience, or any number of possible things that could go wrong.
Here is a fun online infographic creator introduced to us by Jacob Share in a post at PersonalBrandingBlog.
“The people who are the hardest to love are the ones who need it the most.
I wrote one of the most popular articles in our business writing blog, "Top Ten Irritating Phrases," in 2009.
In my workshops, whenever I speak about using photos in a presentation, someone always asks about Google Images.
I've just deleted a rather abstract introduction I wrote to this article about truth.
Every writer needs a good editor, whether it's another person or an internal editor who can adequately judge, cut, and rewrite sentences.
What can you do to stand out in today’s market?
Introverts can seize the microphone -- and bring the house down.
When writing online, how can you appeal to readers’ emotions on a business-oriented site?
Are you building a database of prospects or friends?