Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
"Not every video can be shot on your phone, but authentic, timely video can have a high impact even if its production quality is lower.
"Just as animals have to survive in the wild on an instinctual basis, so do humans.
"What I’ve learned about productivity in the ten years I’ve been hosting The Get-it-Done Guy’s Quick and Dirty Tips podcast.
"Do you ever find yourself in a conversation you don’t want to be having?
"There are times when serendipity plays a role in our productions but more often than not we need to be a bit more prepared when we want to create a quality production.
"Let’s talk about what we know about how rate of speech impacts credibility and persuasiveness.
"Best Buy, Home Depot, Victoria's Secret, and a host of other retailers are discreetly tracking how often shoppers return purchases and, in some cases, punishing people who are suspected of abusing their return policies.
"Video content isn't the big scary monster a lot of digital marketers, internal comms experts and communicators of all kinds have convinced themselves it is," writes Jonathan English in a post at SkeletonProductions.
"Imagine that you’re sitting at a poker table.
"Thankfully there are tactics and tools for managing the deluge, and they don’t have to involve achieving the often-elusive (some would say ridiculous) goal of Inbox Zero.
"Amazon has knocked Google off the top spot as the best place to work in the world, according to LinkedIn.
"The pitfalls of leadership spring from within," warns Dan Rockwell (photo, left) in a post at his blog.
"A listener wonders how to manage her frustration after being laid off twice.
"We consulted Amanda Augustine [photo, left], career advice expert for TopResume, about how to send a clear and compelling message to a company you're dying to work for.
"I spoke to top content marketers in the trenches to get their take on what’s working in the year ahead.
"Companies are increasingly using phone interviews at the early stages of screening candidates, before inviting them on-site for in-person interviews.
"Getting more done is all about assigning sufficient time to work without distraction on what is most important.
According to Julia Stiglitz (photo, left), "Members of this age group, who typically change jobs at least four times in their first decade out of college, need and want work-based training and development.
"If you work in an office, you probably spend more time with your colleagues than you do with even your closest friends — and the quality of those relationships can mean the difference between a joyful workday and a minefield of stress and conflict.
"Only time will tell.