Business in Action, 7th Ed.
Appendix B: Risk Management
"Lithium Technologies, a social customer experience management platform, announced the results of a recent survey performed on its behalf by Harris Poll, finding that brands are increasingly under pressure by consumers to innovate," writes Justin Lafferty in a piece at AdWeek.
"But, as you may have noticed, a lot of people are trying to tell stories these days.
"Napoleon Hill, author of the best-selling 1937 book "Think and Grow Rich," explored the habits of the most likable people in his essay "Develop A Pleasing Personality," which was included in the book The Science of Success.
"This infographic provides step-by-step interview tips for both the interviewee and the interviewer.
Here is an infographic created by learningpool and featured at elearninginfographics.
"See the fascinatingly morbid graphic below from Who Is Hosting This?
The folks at Educational Technology and Mobile Learning share an infographic from Brainy Quote and Evan Carmichael.
Jennifer Frost presents an infographic on the topic.
Follow these tips to make sure your posts get noticed and get read.
Kristin Piombino (photo, left) gives the facts and offers up an infographic.
"Check out the following infographic to learn why a mobile friendly site is essential for your business.
"If you love infographics, you're hardly alone.
"You only have few seconds to capture their attention before your message gets drowned in the sea of updates.
"Data never sleeps.
"Over the years SOAP has helped clients to create and deliver thousands of presentations in a lot of countries and in more markets and areas than we can count.
Corey Eridon (photo, left) examines the data on the topic and provides the introduction to the infographic.
Take a look at the infographic on the topic at eLearningInfoGraphics.
"How long should my tweet be?
"Learn the proper business etiquette for using mobile devices.
From the folks at Educational Technology and Mobile Learning.
"Learn how to write for mobile devices.