Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
"Con artists are a crafty group of people who know exactly how to deceive and control their victims, but their methods are as obvious as a slap in the face if you know what to look for,' says Dragan Radovanovic and Jessica Orwig.
"Recent research shows that strengthening willpower is the real secret to the kind of self-control that can help you resist temptations and achieve your goals.
"I excel at getting distracted.
"There's plenty of stale career advice out there: Go the extra mile.
"Too many people succumb to the mistaken belief that being likeable comes from natural, unteachable traits that belong only to a lucky few — the good looking, the fiercely social, and the incredibly talented.
"If you’re interested in getting a job in tech but not sure where to start, a great strategy is to look at job listings—mountains and mountains of job listings," says Cameron Chapman, staff writer at Skillcrush.
"The way I think about personal development and designing the life I want to live is very similar to the way I think about investing," writes Nicholas Cole (photo, left) of Inc.
"In today's world of ultratasking and information overload, being concise is more important than ever.
"The way those you work with perceive you is really important.
"Maybe you’ve scored that prized interview you’ve been after for some time, or maybe your CEO chose you to deliver a presentation, or maybe you have a big networking event—whatever the case, you’re obviously excited, but you’re also really nervous.
"If what we do really matters, it’s meaningful.
Tara Siegel Bernard (photo, left) weighs in at NYTimes.
Lynn Taylor (photo, left) covers the topic.
"Feigning it on a regular basis can really just make things worse by highlighting the fact that you don’t feel confident in the first place, forcing you to over-compensate to mask insecurities, and struggling to keep up the act.
"The shift to mobile might finally be complete," declares Andrew Meola (photo, left), in a piece at BusinessInsider.
"With the onslaught of emails we receive every day, it's hard to imagine how anyone could keep up professional email habits at all times," writes Rachel Gillett (photo, left) and Jacquelyn Smith.
"People need to be inspired, and they will only feel inspired if their leader is positively disposed — and joyful.
"As he gets ready to release "The TED Official Guide to Public Speaking, Anderson breaks down the four things that make TED Talks special.
"Salary negotiation is nerve-wracking," says Kathleen Elkins (photo, left).
"The human brain is hardwired to judge.
"We’ve set up a work schedule that explains the right time to do everything, based on your (and your co-workers’) circadian clock, research on productivity cycles, and other timing insights.
Jacquelyn Smith (photo, left) covers the topic at BusinessInsider.
"The good news is, it may be a challenge, but the stress of the job hunt doesn't have to stop you.
"According to Lillian Glass, a body-language expert and author of The Body Language Advantage, strong eye contact is the single greatest indicator of confidence.