Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
"Placing apostrophes is not rocket science.
"The wordsmiths at Lake Superior State University have released LSSU’s 44th annual List of Words Banished from the Queen’s English for Mis-use, Over-use and General Uselessness.
"The first rule of doing work that matters is this: show up.
"The first rule of doing work that matters is this: show up.
"People often really struggle over how to start a cover letter, and as a result they often end up with lines that are overly salesy, gimmicky, or just very tired.
"You might wonder whether it's appropriate to ask why a position is open during an interview.
From Eric Barker at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.
"To help you get started, here’s a checklist of five things you should know before accepting a job offer.
"Your mind moves you, but how you move also affects your mind.
"As writers, we all have that place in our house where we tend to be more creative and the words just come a little easier for us.
"If you’ve ever experienced pleasure from people’s failures, well, join the rest of us.
Alison Green (photo, left) answers a question from a reader who is struggling with her office's open floor plan.
"The day is finally here! It’s time for your big job interview! You’ve been preparing for days, weeks—maybe even months—and you feel confident about your ability to showcase your skills.
"In the new CNBC|SurveyMonkey Small Business Survey for the fourth quarter, business owners desperate to fill positions are shifting resources to entice potential employees, including taking a financial hit in order to staff up.
"Kio Stark loves to talk to strangers — but she knows every exchange started is one that must be ended.
"Desperate employers in a tight job market are trying out a new kind of job interview: Automated phone calls in which a candidate answers a series of pre-recorded questions.
According to Eric Barker (photo, left), "I’ve posted about the fundamentals of networking, and even how introverts can network but many people have written to me asking about the nitty gritty of conversation skills.
"Perhaps you've seen text or image buttons on various websites inviting you to "subscribe via RSS.
"In this article we’re going to walk you through every stage of launching your show, from planning to publishing.
"Self-described introvert and veteran tech executive Karen Wickre shares her secret to cultivating professional connections with a minimum of anxiety and awkwardness.
"I’ve read a lot of cover letters in my career — thousands of them, maybe even tens of thousands.
"Every small business owner wants repeat business.
"We looked at job postings around the country at companies big and small to find the zestiest job titles.
"More than just lightly toasted, your brain feels singed.