Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
Erica Cerulo covers the topic.
"So how do advertisers get a Super Bowl audience to listen up?
Bryan Eisenberg covers the topic in an article at ClickZ.
"Believe it or not, it only takes one sentence to turn a great interview into a lost employment opportunity," warns Ken Sundheim.
"US News asked notable professionals what was the smartest question a job candidate asked them during an interview.
"Most people know they should ask questions at the end of a job interview, but what do you ask?
"While you may end up being asked the standard "what is your weakness" question at a job interview, a sneaky employer may try to slip in some questions that are illegal to ask, in order to gain some possibly sensitive information.
"Just because you were able to schedule a phone interview over an in-person, doesn’t mean it’s time to slack off.
According to Jacquelyn Smith, "Employers today aren’t necessarily only looking for candidates with the right set of technical skills and years of experience under their belt.
"To avoid becoming a victim of discrimination during a job interview, here are 10 interview questions you don't have to answer: .
Richard Feloni lists Napoleon Hill's observations on the topic.
"Between career fairs, coffees, and in-office interviews, I've interviewed hundreds of people," declares Jessica Liebman (photo, left).
"When you've applied for dozens of jobs, actually landing an interview can seem like a major accomplishment.
According to Emmie Martin, "In today's job market, sending a post-interview thank-you note can be the difference between landing the job and being completely overlooked.
"You know that weird feeling between excitement and dread that accompanies an invitation to interview?
"Everyone knows they should ask questions at the end of a job interview, but what do you ask?
According to Jacqueline Smith (photo, left), "Hiring managers use the interview to gauge your fit for the job, your creativity, your ability to think on your feet, your emotional intelligence, and your attitude — so it's important to remember that it's not just what you say that counts, it's also how you say it.
"Everyone knows they should ask questions at the end of a job interview, but what do you ask?
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This brief presentation explains the key points to look for in a balance sheet.
See how researchers segment shoppers based on why, when, and how they shop.
See why carefully identifying target markets is such a crucial aspect of marketing strategy.
Get insider advice on reaching today’s online shoppers.
Robin Madell, writer for U.