Business in Action, 6th Ed.
Chapter 14: Product and Pricing Strategies
Katya Wachtel (photo left), writer for BusinessInsider.
"We are made to persist.
If you are going to do presentations, you will at some point face a problem with the equipment, room, technology, sound system, audience, or any number of possible things that could go wrong.
The benefits of a great blog are well-known: branding, user acquisition, press, conversions, hype.
What role should persuasive arguing play, if any, in negotiations?
I am excited to announce Error Quests, a new product we just released.
Here is a fun online infographic creator introduced to us by Jacob Share in a post at PersonalBrandingBlog.
“The people who are the hardest to love are the ones who need it the most.
I wrote one of the most popular articles in our business writing blog, "Top Ten Irritating Phrases," in 2009.
In my workshops, whenever I speak about using photos in a presentation, someone always asks about Google Images.
I've just deleted a rather abstract introduction I wrote to this article about truth.
What can you do to stand out in today’s market?
Every writer needs a good editor, whether it's another person or an internal editor who can adequately judge, cut, and rewrite sentences.
When writing online, how can you appeal to readers’ emotions on a business-oriented site?
Introverts can seize the microphone -- and bring the house down.
Are you building a database of prospects or friends?
The crux of the problem is the demand for certainty in a world that is always tentative and uncertain.
Most everyone I meet feels pulled in more directions than ever, expected to work longer hours, and asked to get more done, often with fewer resources.
A global bank executive recently described to us a challenge for our times.
Have you ever wondered why Twitter has a 140 character limit?