Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
"Think you've been asked some tricky job interview questions?
Any work team can run these checkups to find out how healthy it is and get remedies for problem areas.
My Next Move helps you identify careers that involve the kinds of work you like to do.
Affectiva’s website offers several ways to try emotion-recognition AI, including mapping your emotions while you watch a YouTube video.
"For many people, the bulk of their LinkedIn activity is the digital equivalent of collecting a pile of business cards.
"For many people, the bulk of their LinkedIn activity is the digital equivalent of collecting a pile of business cards.
"Like most employers, Chieh Huang [photo, left] isn’t interested in hiring people who are overly rigid or who know it all.
"Like most employers, Chieh Huang [photo, left] isn’t interested in hiring people who are overly rigid or who know it all.
"Hiring managers will expect you to demonstrate that you are an effective salesperson during the interview.
"When you’re in an interview, everything is focused on you – your education, your skills, and the qualities that make you the best candidate for the job.
"There are certain parts of the interview process that people overly obsess over and spend an inordinate amount of time focusing on.
"As you’re brainstorming a new content marketing campaign, the word “humble” may not come to mind.
"You’re bound to be asked some difficult questions any time you interview for a new job.
"You’ve probably been told countless times not to show your hand during the interview process, especially when it comes to letting a hiring manager in on other opportunities you’ve lined up.
"To help you make the most informed decision possible when accepting a new job, we partnered with SoFi, a finance company that helps you save money and earn more via its Get That Raise tool.
"You feel like your interview is going well.
"Like a behavioral interview, during situational interview candidates are asked specific questions about what may happen on a job.
"You've done it! You passed the first interview with flying colors, and you just got a call or an email to schedule a second interview.
" A big part of getting a job is making a good first impression, and a big part of making a good first impression is how you dress for the interview.
"You’re bound to be asked some difficult questions any time you interview for a new job.
Take the quiz at Saleforce.
"You might wonder whether it's appropriate to ask why a position is open during an interview.
"To help you get started, here’s a checklist of five things you should know before accepting a job offer.
"The day is finally here! It’s time for your big job interview! You’ve been preparing for days, weeks—maybe even months—and you feel confident about your ability to showcase your skills.
"Desperate employers in a tight job market are trying out a new kind of job interview: Automated phone calls in which a candidate answers a series of pre-recorded questions.