Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
"Having a couple connections and an updated profile isn’t enough to make the most of LinkedIn.
"A young man I’ve mentored since he was in college called me.
"TED Talks are fun and interesting.
"'You’ve told me about your strengths—now, can you share what you consider to be your biggest weakness?
According to Alison Green, "Job seekers tend to overanalyze everything that happens during the hiring process – from how long it takes a company to respond to their application to how friendly the person calling to schedule an interview sounds.
"Here's how to handle various levels of interview catastrophes: .
"Interviews are already nerve-wracking—and when you’re an introvert like me, they’re downright, wake-up-in-a-cold-sweat, I’d-rather-get-my-teeth-pulled terrifying.
"You’re in an interview and things are going really well.
"Start by writing short, declarative sentences.
"You stand up, shake the interviewer’s hand, and head home happy that you nailed the interview.
"I recently read about how to respond to stupid interview questions and thought, but 'Why do you get asked stupid questions in the first place?
"Follow these steps to land your dream job: .
"In his fourth book, "American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures in North America," award-winning author Colin Woodard [photo, left] identifies 11 distinct cultures that have historically divided the US.
"Savvy hiring managers can glean a ton of information about you by asking just a few, well-chosen questions.
"Discovering and implementing your company's brand identity isn't as complicated as it may appear.
According to Lily Zhang, "There’s a lot you can do to prepare for an interview.
"If you've sent out dozens or even hundreds of resumes and haven't heard anything back, you might be wondering what the problem is.
Helen Coster (photo, left) presents "10 Tips for Better Business Writing.
According to Jon Parrish, "I now live by the rule of “Goo-diligence.
Ken Lin (photo, left) writes about how he approached branding for his company Credit Karma.
Cheryl Conner (photo, left) reports on the Ripoff Report and what to do if one strikes your business.
"Hiring managers are just people, and people are naturally curious," says Lily Zhang (photo, left).
According to Susan P.
Ronnie Ann, Founder of WorkCoachCafe.
"First of all, the most important thing to do is stay calm," advises Emily Co (photo, left).