Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
According to Richard Moy, "As hard as it is to believe, there are times when you might get turned down for roles, even after you’ve knocked it out of the park during the interview process.
"If you want to hire a great candidate, you’d better ask the right questions.
"Are you really qualified for the position you’re interviewing for?
According to Jacquelyn Smith (photo, left), "Glassdoor reports that certain times of day, and certain days of the week, are better than others.
Adam Grant covers the topic at NYTimes.
"So, how do you know if your personal branding is a hit or a miss?
"Suddenly, the interviewer won’t return your emails or answer your calls.
According to Bill Reichert, "Most entrepreneurs should just throw out their elevator pitches and start over.
Download the guide from LinkedIn here or click on the image to the left.
Julie Bawden Davis (photo, left) reports on the trend.
"You nailed your interview.
"Editing and proofreading are often neglected, but they are the crucial final stages of the writing process.
"It's important to remember that every interview is a two-way street.
"The first time someone meets you, it takes them about three seconds to determine whether they like you or want to do business with you in the future, said Jean Baur, a career coach and author of the book 'The Essential Job Interview Handbook.
"There is nothing more exciting or nerve-wracking than hearing you’ve been invited for an interview.
That particular resource is no longer available, but here are all of LinkedIn's career guides for college students and recent graduates.
"Hiring managers often doubt that anyone really wants to take a step “down.
"'I had never done tech.
"To help you get into your interviewer’s head and learn what they want to see in a candidate, we rounded up a list of science-backed strategies to make yourself seem more likable, competent, and ultimately hirable.
Bill Reichert, Managing Director of Garage Technology Ventures, reports.
"A young man I’ve mentored since he was in college called me.