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"If you're planning to wrap up your presentation with a half-hearted call for "any questions?
"Here's how to grow your influence, boost your impression and make a powerful impact.
"Presumably, extroverts are more excited by going to mixers and events and meeting new people.
Lydia Bowers (photo, left) answers a reader's question at TheMuse.
"Cognitive diversity has been defined as differences in perspective or information processing styles.
"It was in my first office job that my habit of writing exclamation mark–ridden work emails first came to my attention.
"We asked HuffPost Facebook followers from outside the U.
"To help you truly understand what gives a high-achieving entrepreneur that edge, here are the 10 things successful people never tolerate in themselves and in those around them.
"No matter how topical, relevant or pressing your content is, you're often fighting an uphill battle for the audience's attention.
"If you’re looking to break out of teaching, but are hesitant because you’re not sure how your skills might translate to another industry, have no fear.
"It’s been a decade since LinkedIn starting adding features that help you do your job better, but many people still aren’t taking advantage of those features.
Dave Mac gives his advice at PresentationBlogger.
According to William Aruda (photo, left), "I spend a lot of time helping people improve their LinkedIn profile and align it with their real-world brand.
"When things go south, it’s the job of the CEO or leader to own it, apologize and connect with their audience (customers) to overcome it.
"If you're looking to improve your small-talk skills, here's an expert take on the best tips for making conversation.
"Many people think persuasion is essentially “debating lite.
"Maybe someone less qualified gets a promotion you worked hard to earn.
"Ever have to psych yourself up to go to work?
"Though he’s nearly seen it all, Tyler Gaffney [photo, left] still gets surprised when early-stage B2B startups tell him how they’ve determined their pricing.
"What’s your point of view?
Authors Carmen Sanchez and David Dunning (photo, left) take on the idea of overconfidence by beginners.
"Video production is the process of converting an idea or story into a video.
Stefano Tasselli [photo, left], Martin Kilduff, and Blaine Landis provide the answers at HBR.
"Selling yourself quickly and efficiently is key when you meet someone new.
"Bezos says that there are two kinds of critics, and that the key is always to 'look in a mirror and decide, are your critics right?