Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
"The first question of any interview—the tricky “tell me more about how you got to where you are today” question—is an obvious icebreaker.
"It can be easy to forget that interviews aren’t about you.
According to Richard Moy, "As hard as it is to believe, there are times when you might get turned down for roles, even after you’ve knocked it out of the park during the interview process.
"If you want to hire a great candidate, you’d better ask the right questions.
"Are you really qualified for the position you’re interviewing for?
According to Jacquelyn Smith (photo, left), "Glassdoor reports that certain times of day, and certain days of the week, are better than others.
"So here's what I want you to do: Challenge yourself to learn something new every day.
Adam Grant covers the topic at NYTimes.
"So, how do you know if your personal branding is a hit or a miss?
"Suddenly, the interviewer won’t return your emails or answer your calls.
Download the guide from LinkedIn here or click on the image to the left.
Julie Bawden Davis (photo, left) reports on the trend.
"You nailed your interview.
Excerpted from the book Netiquette by Virginia Shea.
"It's important to remember that every interview is a two-way street.
"Today’s students and career-changers have access to more career planning information than ever before.
Check out these examples of e-portfolios presented by Auburn University.
From brief reviews to online videos, see how content from consumers is reshaping contemporary marketing.
The Data-Driven Marketing Institute is a strong advocate for database marketing techniques.
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