Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
"Before experience, educational background, or skills, a small profile picture on LinkedIn is often the first thing a recruiter sees when making a judgment about a potential hire.
Uncovering your micro-motives — that collection of super-specialized things that make your particular heart sing — are key to finding fulfillment and success at work, say social scientists Todd Rose and Ogi Ogas.
Richard Feloni covers the work of Dr.
"Fantastic resume submitted.
"Nobody wants to wait days, or sometimes even weeks, to find out if the hiring manager was impressed by them in the interview.
"Most job applicants work hard to make a great first impression during their initial interview.
From an introduction to job-search strategies to details on résumé writing, you’ll find advice from career counseling professionals.
"As soon as something goes wrong in our lives, we as humans tend to fall into negative thinking patterns.
These online tools (many are free) offer a variety of ways to create infographics.
The 1000-plus pages of advice in the Chicago Manual of Style for citations and other writing and formatting questions can be overwhelming, but the editors are here to help.
The FTC’s Business Center has helpful guidance on applying federal marketing regulations in a wide variety of specific situations.
"It's not where you worked, It's what you can do.
"Research needs and requirements vary with each assignment, project or paper.
A handy reference tool web landing page from North Carolina State University.
From refining your goals to measuring your success, here’s how to get started.
"Politeness pays off, especially when you’re looking for jobs," writes Brittany Wong (photo, left) in a piece at HuffingtonPost.
According to David Jensen, "As an advanced-degree holder in the sciences, you don’t have to be on the job market to feel beat down.
"This manager has worked with remote team for 10 years, and has learned that in order for remote teams to be successful–you need to set them up to do so.
Whether you’re starting your first document or using Word’s advanced capabilities, this site can help.
"These stats will help you bring your recruiting strategy into the 21st century.
"This is the letter to write when you don’t get the job.
"Any time we interview someone, we wait to see whether they’ll write a thank you note or not.
"Great results are more than half the battle.