Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
"Martha had some strong comments about bloggers, yet her PR folk pitch bloggers in an attempt to tap into their influence with their audience.
"Beyond being late and looking like a slob, there are a few things that you should NEVER say during a job interview.
"Watch this video to find out how the fast-paced growth in mobility is shaping businesses and enterprise mobility, and what a robust strategy can do to ensure success for the future of your organisation.
"Happens to everyone.
"I said goodbye to my mouse last month.
"Many job seekers have described to me that submitting a resume in today's job market is mostly a banging-their-head-against-a-wall, extremely frustrating waste of time," writes Susan P.
"When it comes to building your personal brand online, you have to constantly examine whether or not you are being presented in the right light.
David Reese (photo, left) offers a post on the topic at the Harvard Business Review blog.
'You’ve succeeded in getting a social media strategy in place, you’re sharing amazing, relevant content – and then WHAM! Someone posts a negative comment, and you feel like all of the wind has been let out of your sails.
"Unfortunately, candidates aren’t judged on how well they do their jobs; they’re judged on how well they describe how they do their jobs.
"Before you answer the question the employer asks, you should pause to think, 'What fear about the future caused them to ask this question about my past?
A directory of business communication videos curated by Bovee and Thill .
"Think you're an expert at Googling?
"What an amazing year 2013 has been for mobile innovation - and consumers.
"In addition to your resume, everyone should have a professional bio," writes Marie Raperto (photo, left).
That resource is no longer available, but here is advice on creating a compelling LinkedIn profile.
Fellow designer Matt Helmke offers a succinct overview of Reynolds’s groundbreaking book.
Fellow designer Matt Helmke offers a succinct overview of Reynolds’s groundbreaking book.
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