Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
"Unfortunately, it seems that many professionals have forgotten the number one rule of networking—and for that matter, one of the most important guidelines for your entire career: The best time to build a network is before you need one.
"Last weekend, I was browsing in the Cajun food section at the grocery store.
"Some studies say you've only got 15 seconds to grab an audience's attention, while others say it's closer to a minute," writes Richard Feloni of BusinessInsider.
"US News asked notable professionals what was the smartest question a job candidate asked them during an interview.
“The obligation to be understood is from the one who speaks or writes, not from the one who hears or reads.
David Lazarus (photo, left), business columnist with the LA Times, reports.
"With all its accents and dialects, the English language naturally includes variation in sound.
"Just because you’re been doing this for a few years doesn’t mean you have nothing to learn," says Allison Boyer.
Tony Schwartz writes, "The vast majority of leaders I meet don’t get enough sleep to be fully rested.
"Over the years SOAP has helped clients to create and deliver thousands of presentations in a lot of countries and in more markets and areas than we can count.
"LinkedIn is a great platform for finding capable employees, but that's only the beginning of its value," declares Scott Gerber (photo, left) in a piece at Mashable.
The editors at SOAP (State of the Art Presentations) report on the topic.
Eric Barker speaks to Steven Pinker (photo, left) on the subject.
Shanna Mallon (photo, left) uses a play on words to make her point.
Corey Eridon (photo, left) examines the data on the topic and provides the introduction to the infographic.
"There are some simple, yet often forgotten, business principles that can build a positive professional reputation and keep your credibility intact," reports Jacqueline Whitmore of Entrepreneur.
"As a seasoned job placement expert, one question I hear the most is, “What is the best time of year to look for a job?
"As I reflect on all the conversations I have, I realize that most of the time, we’re not talking about complex ideas.
"One of my favourite sources for information and guidelines regarding referencing and citation styles is the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL).
According to Ilya Pozin, "If you’re ignoring proper business etiquette, you’re doing so at your own peril.
"Most people know they should ask questions at the end of a job interview, but what do you ask?
Barbara Pachter (photo, left) reveals common speaking mistakes even professionals make.
"Whether it’s academic, corporate, or technical text, or you're simply trying to think of what to scribble on a colleague’s birthday card, writing can be bewildering, tedious work," declares Laura Hale Brockway (photo, left).
"Highly resilient people know how to bend to inevitable failures and tragedies and not break," writes Richard Feloni (photo, left) in a piece at BusinessInsider.
Jacquelyn Smith presents some advice from Darlene Price (photo, left).