Excellence in Business Communication, 10th Edition
Chapter 8. Writing Routine and Positive Messages
Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook chief operating officer, helped launched a movement to encourage women to take more control over their careers.
See what the Reshoring Initiative is doing to encourage American companies to bring manufacturing back to the United States.
The popularity of management strategies and tools changes over time; see what’s hot and what is not these days.
Find angel investors through the Angel Capital Association.
This resource is no longer available, but click here for advice on choosing a partnership format or one of the other available business structures.
This online network offers advice and tools to get you started.
Get advice on everything from filing a complaint to protecting yourself against fraud.
Learn more about the work of Transparency International.
You might not agree, but this observer shares his list of “20 Things 20-Year-Olds Don’t Get.
We write a lot about resumes — what to do, and what not to do.
"Below are some of the best social bookmarking websites I would recommend to teachers and students.
"Welcome to a preview of Classroom, a new tool coming to Google Apps for Education.
"When a plane is grounded or there are delays, customers sometimes vent their fury on Twitter.
"The secret to a loyal customer base is no secret at all: Great customer service will bring them back every time.
"This is it.
Ric Dragon (photo, left) gives a report on his conversation with Christi McNeill, project lead of social business and listening at Southwest Airlines.
Stephanie Walden discusses customer relationship marketing (CRM) in a piece at Mashable.
Bovee and Thill are the only authors who explain and illustrate in every chapter in their textbooks how mobile is revolutionizing business communication.
"A Utah couple is suing an online merchant that fined them $3,500 for writing a negative review and sparked a financial nightmare for more than a year by reporting the alleged debt to credit rating companies.
Take a look at this summary of a Temkin Group report covering the topic.
Robin Good's Pinterest selection on the topic.
Click the Pinterest logo to the left or the link below to view the Pinterest page.
Lynn Gaertner-Johnston (photo, left) gives us "a perfect way to show someone you care.
Click on the image, or the link below, to view the Pinterest page.
Here is a Pinterest page on workplace issues.