Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
Bryan Eisenberg covers the topic in an article at ClickZ.
"Believe it or not, it only takes one sentence to turn a great interview into a lost employment opportunity," warns Ken Sundheim.
"US News asked notable professionals what was the smartest question a job candidate asked them during an interview.
"Over the years SOAP has helped clients to create and deliver thousands of presentations in a lot of countries and in more markets and areas than we can count.
Corey Eridon (photo, left) examines the data on the topic and provides the introduction to the infographic.
"Most people know they should ask questions at the end of a job interview, but what do you ask?
Take a look at the infographic on the topic at eLearningInfoGraphics.
"How long should my tweet be?
"Learn the proper business etiquette for using mobile devices.
"While you may end up being asked the standard "what is your weakness" question at a job interview, a sneaky employer may try to slip in some questions that are illegal to ask, in order to gain some possibly sensitive information.
From the folks at Educational Technology and Mobile Learning.
"Just because you were able to schedule a phone interview over an in-person, doesn’t mean it’s time to slack off.
"Learn how to write for mobile devices.
According to Jacquelyn Smith, "Employers today aren’t necessarily only looking for candidates with the right set of technical skills and years of experience under their belt.
Click on the image or on the link below to see the infographic.
Take a look at this infographic produced by TopManagementCareers.
"To avoid becoming a victim of discrimination during a job interview, here are 10 interview questions you don't have to answer: .
Richard Feloni lists Napoleon Hill's observations on the topic.
Emmie Martin of BusinessInsider.
"Between career fairs, coffees, and in-office interviews, I've interviewed hundreds of people," declares Jessica Liebman (photo, left).
"There are so many interesting facts and numbers in the world of presentations, this infographic could be 5 times the size.
"Our focus has shifted from Social Media to VISUAL Social Media.
"Learn job search strategies using mobile devices.
"When you've applied for dozens of jobs, actually landing an interview can seem like a major accomplishment.