Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
David Reese (photo, left) offers a post on the topic at the Harvard Business Review blog.
'You’ve succeeded in getting a social media strategy in place, you’re sharing amazing, relevant content – and then WHAM! Someone posts a negative comment, and you feel like all of the wind has been let out of your sails.
Jennifer Frost, with GrammarCheck.
"Unfortunately, candidates aren’t judged on how well they do their jobs; they’re judged on how well they describe how they do their jobs.
Randy Krum features an infographic on the topic.
"Before you answer the question the employer asks, you should pause to think, 'What fear about the future caused them to ask this question about my past?
Work4Labs has created an infographic named "Mobile Recruiting by the (Surprising) Numbers.
"Let’s take a look at the top social media brands as if it was a game of SNAKES and LADDERS.
"SMS remains the most useful engagement tool on mobile, followed by QR codes, two-way SMS and push notifications according to this new infographic.
"We’ve all seen it.
"In addition to your resume, everyone should have a professional bio," writes Marie Raperto (photo, left).
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More and more companies rely on the social web to influence customers before the sale and support them after; these statistics explain why social help is becoming so pervasive.
"So we’re taking a stand here," begins Terry Heick, director at TeachThought.
According to Vivian Giang (photo, left), "Sometimes hiring managers can eliminate a candidate immediately because they've crossed the line and done something completely inappropriate.
"While you may end up being asked the standard "what is your weakness" question at a job interview, a sneaky employer may try to slip in some questions that are illegal to ask, in order to gain some possibly sensitive information," writes Justin Gmoser (photo, left) in presenting this video on the topic.
"If you don't have a digital presence today, you don't exist," writes Tom Cochran (photo, left), Chief Technology Officer with Atlantic Media.
Julie Bort (photo, left) covers the seamier side of reputation management.
"The new year is often a good time to reflect on the good and bad things that have happened in the past year," says Vivian Giang with BusinessInsider.
"With the growth of such customer review sites as Yelp and TripAdvisor, and e-commerce sites like eBay, anyone with access to the Internet can potentially make or break a company's reputation.
We're seeing more and more recruiters use the web as a place to search for talent and conduct employment background searches.
The amazing world of Coca-Cola via an infographic.
There are four things that the most successful professionals have in common.
The Money Chart from Randall Munroe’s webcomic xkcd.