Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
Here is the Quick Learning Guide for Chapter 15.
In this video, presentation expert Andy Bounds describes his simple RAP method for great presentations: start with the desired Results in mind, understand Audience motivations, and only then can you Prepare effectively.
This entertaining animated video explains how to use the science of persuasion in six effective and ethical ways.
Purdue's Online Writing Lab offers sound advice on using logical appeals correctly and effectively.
This article offers a comprehensive list of innovative search tools that can access valuable information beyond the reach of conventional search engines.
This “periodic table of visualization methods” shows dozens of ways to display data, information, concepts, strategies, and more.
Data visualization techniques can be particularly compelling when combined with video animation, as you can see in this global map of Facebook activity.
Unfortunately, this resource is no longer available.
Enjoy a pictorial tour of cultures around the world as you learn more about communication across the spectrum of culture context.
Students and professionals moving from one culture to another often feel a period of shock, when the new culture feels confusing and even hostile.
Here is the Quick Learning Guide for Chapter 5.
This comprehensive online guide can help you out of just about any grammar dilemma.