Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
See how blockchain helps companies overcome the limitations of traditional ledgers.
This visualization shows the most common job types by American county using data using data from the County Business Patterns (CBP) survey.
"We can all be negative at times; that's human nature.
"Even though some people and groups in society are setting us against each other, we can stand up to them by listening and by treating each other with respect and love, says social scientist Arthur Brooks.
"A business model is an outline of how a company plans to make money with its product and customer base in a specific market.
"The TED speaker and podcast host shares 4 items from his to-don’t list — stuff he’s shed from his life to make him a happier and more effective human.
"We all know the words we say to others matter.
"Failure isn’t a roadblock.
"'The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
"It’s ironic that many schools don’t give lessons on how to study or take notes effectively.
Jennifer Frost of GrammarCheck.
See the infographic at GrammarCheck.
Jennifer Frost presents the infographic at GrammarCheck.
Jennifer Frost has the infographic at GrammarCheck.
"We looked at job postings around the country at companies big and small to find the zestiest job titles.
"Career-building isn't about the chase; it's an ultra-marathon, not a sprint.
"4 tips for getting your colleagues' attention.
"The ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct link to your performance.
"When I was in my late 20s, my boss and I used to have epic lunches where we'd chat about life.
"Essential, data-derived advice for leading a happy, healthy life, shared by researcher and psychiatrist Robert Waldinger.
"According to the American Psychological Association (APA), millennials experience more stress and are less able to manage it than any other generation.
"Give your future self a break.
"All-time great slugger practiced speech at least once a day for months leading up to ceremony.
"If you're planning to wrap up your presentation with a half-hearted call for "any questions?