Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition
Chapter 10. Writing Persuasive Messages
These blogs offer current insights into the field of gamification.
The Balance offers dozens of helpful articles on every aspect of personal financial planning.
Investopedia offers a variety of short videos on fundamental investing topics.
Red Hat offers concise overviews of major IT security topics
Take a look at the most common types of insurance policies used in business risk management.
Read Risk Management magazine, published by the Risk Management Society.
See what the Electronic Frontier Foundation has to say about the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
From stocks to mutual funds to real estate, MarketWatch can help you get started as an investor.
This resource is no longer available.
This comprehensive directory can help you explore the profession and find potential employers.
Why not make a career of it?
That resource is no longer available, but here is a helpful website on the related topic of influencer marketing.
HubSpot, a marketing company that popularized inbound marketing, shows how it’s done.
See all the ways that IBM applies its Watson artificial intelligence (AI) capacity to advertising.
The AMA offers student membership and the chance to join one of more than 370 student chapters.
Find everything you need to know to convert your U.
From an introduction to job-search strategies to details on résumé writing, this site offers advice from career counseling professionals.
Get a mobile-friendly overview of a major business management topic every week with links to in-depth articles, blog posts, and podcasts.
The FTC’s Business Center has helpful guidance on applying federal marketing regulations in a wide variety of specific situations.
Google Attribution attempts to measure marketing success across the entire digital marketplace.
This resource is no longer available.
HubSpot publishes a blog packed with useful advice for marketing professionals.
More than 400 CEOs of some of the world’s leading companies are behind CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion.
With the support of more than 800 companies, Catalyst endeavors to “build workplaces that work for women.
These sites connect job searchers with companies that recognize the value of diverse workforces:
Employee Diversity