Business Communication Essentials, 7th Ed.
Chapter 14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
"This animated video describes the six universal Principles of Persuasion that have been scientifically proven to make you most effective as reported in Dr.
"Storytelling is an essential leadership skill.
"Career expert and Growth Lab CEO Ramit Sethi [photo, left] shares an easy way to test your business ideas with your friends to see if your idea is something people want.
"Researchers highlighted some key indicators such as bad grammar, spelling and punctuation in posts by trolls.
"Expert recruiters from Facebook, LinkedIn, and others weigh in on the right approach to following up after an interview.
"The only reason we treat job-seekers less carefully than we treat customers and prospective customers is that many employers still cling to the outdated notion that job applicants are a dime a dozen, and somehow less than human.
According to Kyle Lee, "This question’s been haunting job seekers since the dawn of interviewing.
"Communication, language and style matter in all areas of life.
"Searching for a new job is a tedious process.
Here is a YouTube video presented by the Stanford Graduate School of Business on the topic of "how to conduct interviews.
"We’ve all been there: It’s the end of the interview, and after nearly an hour of pouring your heart (and work experience) out to a potential employer, the hiring manager asks if you have any last questions before wrapping up.
Richard Moy (photo, left) handles the topic as both a job seeker and recruiter in his article at The Daily Muse.
"In the early '90s, anthropologist Robin Dunbar [photo, left] proposed that a human being has the capacity to have up to 150 meaningful relationships.
"Neuroscientists talk about how we have one brain but two minds.
"Stanford GSB Professor Jennifer Aaker [photo, left] discusses the importance of stories, and how they can be used as a tool to persuade and shape how others see you.
"Have you ever felt like you're talking, but nobody is listening?
"After interviewing dozens of women, I learned that one of the main reasons their negotiations didn't go as planned was they weren't prepared to respond to what the other person said.
"These are some tips to help you foster a happier brain, according to Alex Korb, a postdoctoral researcher in neuroscience at UCLA.
MIT career advisor Lily Zhang hand-picked these talks for the insights they can give all job hunters.
Duarte advises starting with the simplest tool imaginable, the humble sticky note.
Watch this tutorial to see how to create effective Prezi presentations.
In this talk at Google, Gina Barnett (profiled in the chapter-opening Communication Close-Up) shares some essentials of using your body as an effective speaking instrument.
Sponsored by Squarespace, Erin Greenawald presents the results.
The etiquette expert Barbara Pachter offers tips to help you get comfortable at business lunches and dinners.