Excellence in Business Communication, 10th Edition
Chapter 8. Writing Routine and Positive Messages
"What are the rules of data visualization, a practice that draws on research into cognitive theory, graphical perception, statistics and journalism?
Rebecca Greenfield reports.
Lynn Gaertner-Johnston (photo, left) explains how to handle a disappointing or frustrating email.
See the infographic.
Staples presents 7 reasons why you should be using email in your marketing.
"Follow these steps to land your dream job: .
"Your body language speaks volumes about your mood and attitude.
"Even your best ideas mean nothing if no one listens to you.
"Japan is known for its complex rules for social behavior.
"Lithium Technologies, a social customer experience management platform, announced the results of a recent survey performed on its behalf by Harris Poll, finding that brands are increasingly under pressure by consumers to innovate," writes Justin Lafferty in a piece at AdWeek.
"But, as you may have noticed, a lot of people are trying to tell stories these days.
"Napoleon Hill, author of the best-selling 1937 book "Think and Grow Rich," explored the habits of the most likable people in his essay "Develop A Pleasing Personality," which was included in the book The Science of Success.
"This infographic provides step-by-step interview tips for both the interviewee and the interviewer.
"Probably the most important reason to respond to comments—both negative and positive—is that everyone else is reading them.
Here is an infographic created by learningpool and featured at elearninginfographics.
"See the fascinatingly morbid graphic below from Who Is Hosting This?
The folks at Educational Technology and Mobile Learning share an infographic from Brainy Quote and Evan Carmichael.
Jennifer Frost presents an infographic on the topic.
"Business leaders and entrepreneurs with superb people skills have a competitive edge over others.
Follow these tips to make sure your posts get noticed and get read.
Kristin Piombino (photo, left) gives the facts and offers up an infographic.