Excellence in Business Communication, 10th Edition
Chapter 8. Writing Routine and Positive Messages
Jen Bilik (photo, left) presents a very good case for walking away from screens for a time to just put pen to paper.
"Every day, we make decisions that have good or bad consequences for our future selves.
"Social media is about more than marketing and branding — it’s quickly becoming an essential part of customer outreach for brands.
As a business communication instructor, it's important to teach your students how to write specifically for social media and digital communication.
Follow LinkedIn’s etiquette guide for students and recent graduates to increase your response rate and to maintain positive networking connections.
Seth Godin says, "The best marketers, of course, use the needle and the vise at the same time.
Politicians are strange creatures, says politician Omar Ahmad.
About This Talk
In this deceptively simple 3-minute talk, Dr.
Learn the proper way to write instructions.
Get a fascinating, behind-the-scenes look at a new business, Artisan Flavors Ice Cream, and how its owner is exclusively using social media and electronic communication for promotion, including videos (YouTube), podcasts (iTunes), press releases (PRNewswire), maps (Google), photos (Flickr), conversations (Twitter, Facebook), blogs (WordPress), and reviews (Yelp).
Jeff Hayzlett, Chief Marketing Officer & Vice President - Eastman Kodak Company, discusses how Kodak leverages social media.
Learn the latest statistics and trends about social media.
Because of the social media revolution and electronic communication revolution, what is being taught in a typical business course should be changing.