Business in Action, 7th Ed.
Appendix B: Risk Management
"These days, mornings can be the noisiest time of day: if not literally, then at least figuratively.
"When it comes to reaching your goals, do your mental patterns help you or hurt you?
"When PR is done well, it can be brilliant in its ability to promote your brand.
"If you want others to believe in you, you must believe in your own value and act in a way that conveys confidence.
According to Kyle Lee, "This question’s been haunting job seekers since the dawn of interviewing.
"A good writer produces not just words, but meaning.
"Here are 7 valuable tips you should consider when applying for a job within your company: .
"We know—writing and editing the perfect resume is enough of a challenge.
"You’ve decided to look for a new job and want to make updating your social profiles part of your strategy.
"No matter how sophisticated your strategies to rid yourself of bad habits and create good ones, you’re less likely to succeed if you don’t track and review your progress frequently.
"Compared to our pre-digital forebears, we’re expected to produce torrents of writing: emails, text messages, blog posts, social media, presentations," writes Spencer Critchly (photo, left).
"Want to be more productive?
Jacs Henderson presents an infographic of eight social media mistakes.
"To highlight some of the most overused buzzwords, we created this visual with 25 of the most overused buzzwords and how much their use has increased in print over the past 30 years.
"Searching for a new job is a tedious process.
Nina Semczuk (photo, left) reports.
"If you want to snag a job or an internship at a top company, you'd better have a stellar résumé," writes Áine Cain (photo, left).
"We’ve all been there: It’s the end of the interview, and after nearly an hour of pouring your heart (and work experience) out to a potential employer, the hiring manager asks if you have any last questions before wrapping up.
Richard Moy (photo, left) handles the topic as both a job seeker and recruiter in his article at The Daily Muse.
"Our unconscious behaviors have a language of their own, and their words aren't always kind.
"Whether you've invested in Apple's Mac line or a Windows PC, there are absolutely some worthwhile desktop apps out there to get more out of your computer," says Avery Hartmans (photo, left).
Eric Barker, of Barking Up the Wrong Tree, explains.
"The reason brainstorms devolve into groupthink has to do with the way memory works.
"Requesting a pay hike is fine, but there is a proper way to make your request and there are certain things you should never say.