Business in Action, 7th Ed.
Appendix B: Risk Management
"A year ago, I went on a job interview that quickly seemed to be veering into "nightmare" territory," reports Lily Herman (photo, left).
"Everyone make mistakes, it’s part of being human.
"Here are 10 things you must avoid doing if you're going to any kind of dinner party: .
"Wouldn't it be great if you knew exactly what a hiring manager would be asking you in your next interview?
"No approach or technique can guarantee persuasion success, but there are ways to determine if you are, indeed, made to persuade," writes Mark Rodgers (photo, left) at his blog - PersuasionMatters.
"Have you ever been confused about when to use “a” and “an” before words beginning with “h”?
Richard Feloni reports on the work of Jon Levi (photo, left).
Alan Murray (photo, left) reports at Fortune.
"That’s not an easy question to answer—especially if you don’t know someone personally.
"Millennials are often miscategorized, leading to the impression that the whole generation is lazy.
"Even if you make the most careful hires based on cultural fit, skills and experience, workplace conflicts inevitably arise between co-workers.
"Before leaving work each day, employees at Ubiquity Retirement + Savings press a button in the lobby.
"On the surface, this seems like a major problem, but a lack of personal capital shouldn’t stop you from pursuing your dreams.
"Creative design is a big part of what makes or breaks a new product.
"The tech company’s new employee review system gets rid of the company’s historic approach to evaluating worker performance.
"Dramatic demographic shifts are transforming the world’s consumer landscape.
"Time was, layoffs were seen as an emergency strategy, the last resort in a downturn or crisis.
"Only the prepared can look authentic.
"Hiring managers typically use your résumé to determine whether you're qualified for the job, and the interview to decide if you're the perfect fit," writes Jacquelyn Smith and Shana Lebowitz.
Lily Herman reports.
"Thankfully, I’d done my homework.
Christina DesMarais (photo, left) reports.
According to Alex Malouf (photo, left), "For a pastime that was once considered on the fringe of journalism, blogging is a pivotal online media channel for breaking news, sharing content and developing an audience.
"Mental strength is just like any other skill: It takes time to develop.
"Congrats! You’ve landed your dream internship or you’ve been officially hired for your full-time job.