Business in Action, 7th Ed.
Appendix B: Risk Management
"Do your coworkers or boss show signs that they secretly hate you?
"What the CEO of a cyber security firm has learned from fighting the bad guys.
"Nobody likes having to actually ask for a promotion.
"Suddenly, the unspeakable: A well-respected colleague bluntly attacks your work, your passion.
"No matter how mind-blowingly brilliant your business idea is, or how insanely talented you are, absolutely nothing will take off if you don't believe in yourself," writes Elle Kaplan (photo, left).
We are not the center of cyberspace.
"Seriously though, because the forum is often the number one way you have of communicating with a client, boss, or networking person, it’s imperative that you get it right.
"The problem isn’t email.
"It’s called social undermining, and it may seem harmless enough, but it can take an emotional toll.
To view the infographic click on the image or the link below.
"When you write to tell someone no, your message will already disappoint the individual.
"Companies can become more agile by designing their organizations both to drive speed and create stability.
"Tales of the tech unicorn’s impending demise might be somewhat exaggerated.
"Changing of the guard marks a major milestone in the technology industry.
"For job seekers, the persuasive cover letter and germane resume have long been the way to get a foot in the door, and more recently, HR directors will rummage through Google to make sure nothing negative turns up.
"Recently, it was reported that the three largest U.
"The way you speak not only affects how others perceive you; it also has the potential to shape your behavior.
Kat Boogaard ponders.
From Seth Godin.
"So, how do you know if your personal branding is a hit or a miss?
"Networkers, take initiative! If you are asking someone to meet with you to receive advice, information, or support, make an extra effort to impress him or her with your competence and energy.
"While common mistakes can sink an application, when a letter showed inexperience more than anything else, I tried to put myself in the candidate’s shoes.
Aaron Orendorff (photo, left) has some tips.
"Want to boost your productivity?