Business in Action, 7th Ed.
Appendix B: Risk Management
"What’s the true power of written communication to customers?
Carolyn Gregoire (photo, left) checks in with author Nicholas Carr.
Laura McMullen shares the advice of Patrick Lencioni (photo, left).
"You probably already have a resume, and you probably already know you’re supposed to write a cover letter," begins Lily Zhang (photo, left) in a piece at TheMuse.
"A single word can be the difference between success and failure of email marketing campaigns.
"What Lord of the Rings can teach us about leading meetings that don't make you want to jump out the nearest window: .
Barbara Roche (photo, left) reports.
"Public speaking means – for most people – stress and a sudden flurry of decision-making under stress.
"Writing is a skill of minimalism.
James A.
According to Alison Green, "Job seekers tend to overanalyze everything that happens during the hiring process – from how long it takes a company to respond to their application to how friendly the person calling to schedule an interview sounds.
Chris Weller defines the "rule of three" and explains why it isn't what it is cracked up to be.
"Remember these points before taking it personally.
"Remember these points before taking it personally.
"Are your eyes glazing over from staring at the computer – refreshing the online job search engines every other minute and blindly emailing résumés?
"Here's how to handle various levels of interview catastrophes: .
"Poor use of PowerPoint is such a common bad habit that it’s almost become the norm in the corporate world.
"We take listening for granted as a noble conversation skill.
"You want to project confidence, competence, professionalism, and self-assurance.
Shana Lebowitz (photo, left) has the details.
"Interviews are already nerve-wracking—and when you’re an introvert like me, they’re downright, wake-up-in-a-cold-sweat, I’d-rather-get-my-teeth-pulled terrifying.
"We've all been in those situations where we've forgotten someone's name," writes Steven Benna at BusinessInsider.
According to Arnie Fertig, "No matter what your occupation or level of experience is, the process of getting a new job has several common elements.
"Sometimes we remember rules incorrectly, adding always or never to them.