Business in Action, 7th Ed.
Appendix B: Risk Management
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is used to share and distribute web content, such as news headlines.
"We’ve heard it a million times before: '90% of communication is nonverbal.
According to Nick Morgan (photo, left), ".
What do you think?
Indi Young reports.
Carol Morgan asks, ".
"With all the business messages we send and receive, communicating from our screens can eat up several hours in the workday.
"Whether you have just graduated with an advanced degree or you are leaving academia for the public sphere, building a professional résumé after a life in higher eduction is a rude awakening.
"To stay competitive, you need to evolve with and embrace the changing times.
Lynn Gaertner-Johnston, in an article at her blog, quotes her marketing mentor Marcia Yudkin - "Whether it's your blog or your weekly/monthly newsletter, avoid relating to your readers as if they've known you for years.
"Ralph Gardner Jr.
Nick Morgan (photo, left) reports.
"Many people are afraid of public speaking.
"What’s that you say?
"You can make your resume stand out easily, because most resumes are horrifying.
"The good news is that businesses now have enough organizational experience with the idea of communication technology, that they are beginning to take ownership of its evolution.
"In the past year and a half, I’ve given over 100 keynote speeches and hundreds of presentations, and things have changed dramatically.
Lynn Gaertner-Johnston warns, "Forwarded emails can threaten professional relationships and reputations.
"For the past few years over on the Jellyvision blog, our good pal Melanie Chapman (photo, left) has been showcasing what she calls Damn Good Communication – examples of companies solving a tricky communication challenge by being unusually creative.
"Wharton management professor Nancy Rothbard (photo, left) says that if we are meeting more often than ever, it may be because we are now so busy we have to schedule time to simply think.
See TeamChat's list.
"There’s a name for those everyday annoyances that build up and grate on your last nerve, drain your energy, and sap your productivity, says Madeleine Blanchard, cofounder of coaching services at The Ken Blanchard Companies in Escondido, California.
"You know you need a résumé in order to get a job.